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Cody Gould

"I wish that I had a coach who helped me develop off the field, not just on it. So, I became the person I needed."

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My Story

At the age of 5, I received my first lacrosse stick.

I quickly found that sports, specifically lacrosse, were a healthy outlet for me, and brought so much joy to my life. They created a space where I could let go of my worries. From academic issues to relationship problems, sports help me relax and just focus on the moment. At the end of my high school career, I received a scholarship to play NCAA Division 1 lacrosse for Canisius College in Buffalo, NY. Lacrosse transitioned from my outlet to my job, and 
I began to resent the sport I once loved. 


After graduating from college with a degree in Interpersonal Communication, Psychology and Philosophy, I attended Texas State University for my Master’s degree in Interpersonal Communication. There, I taught undergraduate classes and coached part time for Dripping Springs Youth Lacrosse Association, just outside of Austin, TX. As a youth coach and a college teacher, I discovered my love for coaching and helping young people find and embrace their strengths. I found that I was using both lacrosse and the classroom as a conduit to help my players and students better themselves by enhancing their mindfulness and intrapersonal connections.


While coaching the Dripping Springs High School lacrosse team, I quickly found my niche as a life, culture, self confidence and leadership coach, instead of focusing exclusively on gameplay or athletic skills. I realized that the young men I coached on self confidence and life had improved gameplay, enhanced love for the game, more confidence and a greater sense of self-acceptance. In addition to these results on the field, we started to see results off the field through enhanced relationships with themselves, friends and significant others.


The message I would instill into my players was: lacrosse is just a sport and your time playing is temporary. The lessons you learn by challenging yourself, being mindful, working through adversity and finding your role, are the real lessons. These will last a lifetime.


After 7 years of coaching, I’m happy to report that my clients have gone on many different professional and personal paths. The most important lesson that I reinforce during coaching is, “success is not one size fits all.” You don't have to follow a path because you believe it's what you “should” do. You do it because you want to do it. And if you don't want to do it, then there are other options out there! We will work together to help find what success and happiness mean to you.


I know that if I had someone to lean on during important times of transition, I would have flourished more quickly. Now, I am not upset with how long it took me to get to where I currently am, nor do I wish my personal story could have gone differently. However, I do believe that if I had an “off the field coach” in my life, it would have helped me tremendously. This is what pushes me to be the best coach that I can be for my clients.

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